Pros and Cons: Majoring in the Sciences

Pro: Rodents are just awful and giving them diseases is a very fulfilling career.
Con: Paperwork is just awful and is required to give rodents diseases.

Pro: You can be on that list of people the government saves from the Apocalypse.
Con: Chances are everyone else on the list sucks.

Pro: Surgery is the only way you can legally stab people.
Con: Strict "no snacks" policy in operating rooms.

Pro: Giant ants don't just create themselves, so you can make some.
Con: Giant ants will probably create themselves once you get them started.

Pro: You may be the one to cure cancer!
Con: You won't be.

Pro: Psychology is great if you like science but are bad at math.
Con: Psychology is a science in the way a tomato is a fruit.

Pro: Possibility of superpowers.
Con: Much, much higher probability of cancer.

Pro: Nobody actually understands quantum physics, so nobody can prove you wrong.
Con: Nobody actually understands quantum physics, so nobody can prove you should get money. 

Pro: You get to learn about really interesting and unique animals.
Con: Two words: "Telescoping anus."

Pro: Working in a field with others that share your passion.
Con: Botanists will not shut the hell up about ferns.  

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